37th Annual YCEA Golf Outing
Date and Time
Friday Jun 13, 2025
7:30 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
Royal Manchester Golf Links
5700 Board Road
Mt Wolf, PA 17347
Contact Information
Megan Kreiser
Send Email
A great way to swing into summer! The outing begins with breakfast followed by networking and golf, ending with lunch and awards.
Pricing for 2025
Foursome - $650
Foursome Powerpack - $75
Single Golfer - $250
Cost includes cart and greens fees, breakfast, tee gift, beverages, lunch, contests, prizes, snacks, and more!
Mulligans, power drives and putting contest entries will be available to purchase prior to the event by emailing Megan Whittle at mwhittle@yceapa.org
The Golf Outing is a rain or shine event. Stay tuned for more details on some fun things we're adding to the 2025 outing!
Timeline of Events:
Registration & Breakfast - 7:30 AM
Shotgun Start - 8:30 AM
Thank you to our sponsors!
Club House
Penn National Insurance
Golf Cart
Continental Paper Grading Co.
Hole in One
WellSpan Health
Buchart Horn, Inc., Colony Packaging & Machine, Harley-Davidson Motor Co - York Vehicle Operations, Hollywood Casino York, KCI Technologies, RKL LLP
Foursome Photos
HB McClure Company
Gamlet, inc.
Want to gain more exposure for your company? Sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Casey Nixon for more information.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations for a full refund are accepted until seven days prior to an in-person event. Once the deadline is past, there is no refund for those who have registered for an in-person event and cancelled, and unpaid registrations will be billed for the function, whether they attend or not. Registrations may be transferred to another person upon notifying the York County Economic Alliance. No refunds are offered for cancellations of virtual event registrations, however a credit for a future virtual event can be applied for cancellations given within 48 hours of the event. No refunds are offered for rain or shine events.
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