Reading Journey Celebration Slated March 1st
York County Libraries are planning a Reading Journey Celebration for families from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday, March 1. The free event will be held at Glatfelter Memorial Library, located at 101 Glenview Road in Spring Grove.
Festivities include stories and activities geared to children, age birth to five, and their families. Thanks to Pennon Education, this year’s celebration also features a guest appearance by PBS children’s character Tia Flora. Families can meet Tia Flora from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. during the event. Registration is not requiredbut is requested online through the events calendar for planning purposes.
The Reading Journey Celebration is part of the York County Libraries 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program which encourages York County parents to read 1,000 books with their children before they start school. Children from the day they are born to the day they start kindergarten can participate. Families wanting to learn more about the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program are encouraged to attend the March 1 celebration; program sign-up will be available for those interested.
“Reading is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your children,” says York County Libraries President Robert F. Lambert. “Time shared reading together is a bonding experience that expands a child’s vocabulary and enriches their understanding of the world around them. Families that participate in early childhood literacy programs like 1000 Books Before Kindergarten are laying the foundation for their children’s future success in school.”
York County Libraries launched the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program in 2018, and since that time6021 children and their families have participated. Registration is ongoing at local libraries and families receive a passport to help track progress at each 100-book milestone. When participants reach 500 and 1,000 books, they are awarded special reading incentives at their library. The program is free for all participants thanks to the support of the Richard S. & Ann B. Barshinger Family Foundation.
“Reading 1000 books before kindergarten is truly an amazing and important accomplishment that can take several years to complete,” says York County Libraries Director of Youth Services Mindy McDonnell. “Not only do our participants gain valuable literacy skills, they also create lasting memories and what can be a lifelong love of books and reading. This event allows us to recognize and celebrate that entire journey.”
Questions about the Reading Journey Celebration should be directed to the YCL youth services team at
York County Libraries (YCL) include 13 libraries and two pick-up/drop-off locations. YCL provides the latest print and electronic information, bestsellers, Wi-Fi, story times, book discussions and much more! Their librarians are passionate advocates for lifelong learning; providing opportunities and resources for all ages. Through early childhood literacy programs, they ignite a love of reading and learning in young children and empower parents as their children’s first teachers. To learn more about York County Libraries’ programs, services, and resources, go to
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