York County School of Technology

Consultants - TrainingSchools - Higher & Continuing Education
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York County School of Technology encourages interaction from Facebook users but is not responsible for comments or wall postings that may be made by visitors to the page. Comments that may be posted also do not in any way reflect the opinions or policies of the school. People making comments on the page are requested to show respect for their fellow users by ensuring the discussion remains civil, especially since Facebook allows individuals 13 and over to join. Comments are also subject to Facebook’s Terms of Use and Code of Conduct. Remember that your name and photo will be seen next to your comment, visible to anyone who visits the page. We reserve the right, but assume no obligation, to remove comments that are racist, sexist, abusive, profane, violent, obscene, spam, that advocate illegal activity, contain falsehoods or are wildly off-topic, or that libel, incite, threaten or make ad hominem attacks on students, employees, guests or other individuals. We also do not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial, political or other ventures. Facebook encourages all users to utilize the “Report” links when they find abusive content. York Tech students and staff are governed by the school's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) when using school owned technology or equipment. If you have questions about the York County School of Technology Facebook Page, please e-mail ycstfacebookjparks@ycstech.org.
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